The Interviewees

The Interviewees

I get asked quite often about my project and one of the most common questions I receive is: “So, who are the people you interview?”

It took me a while to answer this question but I’ve since come up with a general answer:

I interview people who have deviated from the standard path to create something of their own.

Some people think all my interviewees are dropouts but that isn’t the case. In fact, up until this point, none of them are. What they all have in common, though, is that they all left the standard and secure route in order to create something on their own. Whether that’s starting their own business or becoming self-employed, they all have left the “normal” path and have paved their own way.

I’ve learned that most of the people I’ve interviewed never started their own project or business for the money but instead did it either for the freedom or they were driven by purpose.

A few left their jobs to have the time and freedom to work when they wanted and with whom they wanted. But a select few left out of drive to create something meaningful. They had an idea that needed to be executed, a vision they needed to do something about. 

Those are the stories that truly inspire me.

Why leave a secure five to six-figure income job to start your own thing? Why take that risk? What fueled them enough to leave that all behind?

That’s what I want to know.

And that’s what I hope to find more of. 


Why do we go to school?


Wait, what’s my Why?