What’s holding you back?
What’s holding you back? What’s holding you back from doing the thing you love? Why do so many of us feel like we’re stuck doing something we don’t enjoy?
I had a meeting today that really inspired me and sparked the idea for this blog.
I realized that the last time I blogged was in February and I’ve started to miss it, so now I’m back.
Anyway, During that meeting, we briefly talked about someone who has a stable job but it turns out they aren’t doing the thing they’re passionate about. The only thing I could think was “Why?” This person already knew what they loved to do but they weren’t doing it because, well, quote: “that’s just the way it is.”
I really started to think about what truly holds us back from doing the things we love and immediately started writing this blog.
There’s an endless list of excuses why we can’t but I believe it’s all bullshit. Why we tell ourselves we can’t do certain things, I don’t know, but I do know it’s possible to overcome it. Of course there are situations where it’s not as easy, but do you really want to spend your entire life consciously knowing what you want to be doing but feel like you can’t?
It’s always interesting to talk to people who are in that situation, because once you start to dig beneath the surface and ask questions, you realize it’s all just fear we create in our own heads. We would rather stay quiet, curled up in our comfort zones, living a life just like the rest than stand out and do something spectacular that’s worth sharing and talking about.
I’ve however met plenty of people who are the exact opposite. People who clearly love what they do and are right where they should be. Somehow you can just feel when someone loves what they do, you can see it in their eyes. And It feels great to be around those types of people. They just have a different perspective on life.
So, If you feel like you’re stuck in something you don’t enjoy or feel like you would rather be doing something else, ask yourself: “What’s really holding me back?”. Because once you ignore all the excuses, you start to find some pretty cool shit.